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    Academic Team

    Four-person Teams compete in Quick Recall in 5-subject areas; math, science, arts and humanities, hi ...
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    Art Club

    Open to all students. Encourages appreciation for all fine art disciplines via museum and gallery v ...
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    Students who play an instrument or who want to learn a new one can earn ½ of a fine art credit. The ...
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    B.U.G Club

    The Biology Users Group cares for dozens of animals including snakes, turtles, fish, rodents, and ta ...
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    Campus Ministry

    The Campus Ministry Program brings support and energy with a variety of events and opportunities for ...
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    Chess Club

    Open to all students, all levels. Students meet weekly to have fun and hone their skills.
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    Colonel Broadcasting Club

    Students produce, direct, and operate the cameras for live video broadcasts of home football and bas ...
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    Colonels for Christ

    Sophomores are invited to join junior and senior leaders for dinners, camping trips, and weekend ret ...
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    Cultural Club

    Students get exposed to different cultures via eating at ethnic restaurants, seeing foreign films, h ...
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    Drama Club

    Participation includes acting and crew positions for the CCH/NDA productions. Three shows annually ...
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    Drug Free Club

    All CCH students are members of the Drug Free Club of America. Through education, testing, and rewa ...
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    Frisbee Golf

    Join Coach Kleier and Father Hennigen for frisbee golf on Fridays after school in the fall, while th ...
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    Game Club

    Students play board games, card games, and video games one afternoon weekly. It's relaxed and alway ...
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    Green Ambassadors

    Leads campus recycling efforts and raises awareness of environmental issues on both a local and glob ...
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    Grief Support

    Led by both faculty and guidance counselors, the club provides a supportive forum for students and s ...
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    Intramural Basketball (IBL)

    As the longest running club dating back to the late 60s, intramural basketball is open to all studen ...
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    Literary Magazine

    This annual publication, which includes a variety of work from the student body: short stories, poem ...
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    Marian Sodality

    This is a club to help build the brotherhood here at school. Junior classmen lead talks and small g ...
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    National English Honor Society

    Sophomores, juniors, and seniors with a GPA of 3.5 and English GPA of 3.5, plus community service ar ...
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    National Honor Society

    Juniors and seniors with a GPA of 3.55 or higher and a record of service, leadership, and strong cha ...
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    Outdoor Pursuits

    Members grow in faith, brotherhood, and self-awareness through experiences in the wilderness: backpa ...
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    Photography Club

    Students learn by doing; they take photos of school events, test their skills with field trips to in ...
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    Pickleball is one of our newest clubs and is growing quickly. It is open to all students and meets ...
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    Ski Club

    With over 100 participants, this club has outings to Perfect North four times per year, plus an annu ...
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    Spirit Club

    CovCath is known for its “Crazy” spirit at athletic events and school functions. Open to all grade ...
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    Srodowisko Club

    The Srodowisko Club is a new club with the goal of growing in faith through visiting different Shrin ...
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    Stock and Business Club

    The goals of this club are to understand the stock market, improve financial literacy, and build bus ...
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    Travel Club

    This club organizes an annual all-inclusive, educational, summer international trip through EF Tours ...
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    Trial Team

    Formerly known as Mock Trial, students in this club use critical thinking, teamwork, and public spea ...
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    Managed by the journalism class, dozens of students contribute to the annual yearbook publication vi ...