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For 100 years, no student has ever been turned away from Covington Catholic because of financial concerns. Families who may need assistance are encouraged to apply for financial aid and participate in the work study program.  


Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees cover just 85% percent of the funds needed for your son’s education. The other 15% is covered through the school’s various fundraising efforts. All families are asked to actively participate in the various fundraisers conducted throughout the year including the Annual Appeal, Back the Blue, Colonel Cash Madness, SuperHike and Northern Kentuckian of the Year Luncheon as well as the Kroger and Remke Grocery cards, and buying link.

The Diocese of Covington requires Covington Catholic to offer one tuition rate to families that are registered and participating members of a parish within the Diocese and another rate for those families that are not. Tuition and fees are processed through FACTS Management System.


Tuition for the 2024-25 School Year

Additional Fees:

  • Registration 
    • Each student is required to pay a $215 Registration Fee when he registers for the next school year's classes.
    • For a student's registration to be considered complete, a FACTS account for the tuition and fee payments must be established.
    • New students' FACTS accounts must be created by February 28, 2025.
  • An annual General/Tech Fee of $1,210 is charged.
  • CCH does not charge an additional cafeteria fee, fundraising fee, senior fee, or retreat fee.
Payment Dates and Plans

The amounts below include the $1,210 General/Tech fees.

The amount of your payment due (including the discount) is listed under how many students you have at CCH.

Families have the option to choose either the 5th or the 20th as their scheduled payment date through FACTS. The charges below will be added to your FACTS account based on the payment plan that you set up in FACTs.

Option #1: Annual Payment with Early Pay Discount: Save $110 if paid in full by July 20th


Option #2: Semester Payments: Save $55 if paid in full by December 20th


Option #3: Ten Monthly Payments:

Payment Terms

Annual Payment - Annual payers need to sign up for FACTS. Payment is due no later than July 20th. There is a $25 fee for the annual option.

Monthly Payment - Families that select the monthly payment option will be assessed a $55 fee. You may choose between two dates that your payment will be due each month.

Semester Payment - Families can pay half by July, 2024 and the remaining balance by December, 2024. There is a $25 fee for the semester option.

Payment Options

Credit Card: If paying by credit card, there is a 2.95% convenience fee. Mastercard, Visa, Discover and American Express are accepted.

Checking/Savings Account: With ACH, your payments are processed through a secure electronic funds transfer. Automatic payments can be made from a checking or savings account. You can choose to have email reminders sent in advance of your payment due date. There is no fee for ACH transactions.

LATE PAYMENTS: FACTS enforces a $15 fee for late payments. While it is the expectation of the school that all tuition be paid on time, we understand that unexpected circumstances arise. The school is asking families be proactive in contacting us in these situations. If the school has timely notice, it may be possible to make alternative payment arrangements and avoid the $15 late fee. 

PEACE OF MIND INSURANCE: FACTS offers this optional benefit for only $22.50 per year per family. In the event of death of the responsible party or spouse, the remaining tuition balance owed for the current school year is paid to the school. You will have the option to sign up for this during your account set up process.

CONSUMER PORTAL: You may check your personal online account anytime to view your payment history, next scheduled payment, change between financial accounts, or make a payment online. Click to be linked to Covington Catholic's FACTS portal.

CCH Multi-Student Discount for 2024-2025:
  • 2nd student CCH discount - $1000
  • 3rd student CCH discount - $1500
  • 4th student CCH discount - $1500
CCH/NDA Discount

For families with students at both CCH and NDA, we are pleased to offer the following discounts:

  • One son at CCH & one daughter at NDA - Deduct $200 from each school’s tuition ($400 total savings).
  • A 3rd child enrolled simultaneously at either school - Deduct $1,500 from each school’s tuition ($3,000 total savings).
  • Upperclassmen parents should notify the Finance Office by May 15th by this online form if this discount applies to your family. 
  • Incoming freshman parents can notify the school of this discount via the online registration form.
  • This discount also recognizes blended families.
Financial Responsibility of a Student who leaves CCH

Tuition is refunded based on days attended.

Tuition Assistance awards are contingent upon your son(s) attending Covington Catholic. If your son(s) no longer attend(s) Covington Catholic for any reason, awarded financial aid is subject to revocation based upon the amount used, and the remaining full tuition obligation is due.

These policies apply to both voluntary and involuntary withdraws for any reason. Families who have not paid the full balance by the time of a withdrawal from school will be billed the remaining balance and no grades, transcripts or diplomas can be issued until obligation is paid in full. 

The Finance Office

The Finance Office oversees tuition, scholarship and financial aid applications and awards and all other financial transactions for the school. Our Director of Finance is available Monday - Thursday from 8:30-2:30. Please direct your questions concerning tuition and financial aid to Mrs. Kristi Schwalbach at (859)491-2247 x 2249 or by email.

Time to Register