Lacrosse has been deemed the fastest growing sport in America, and the fastest sport on two-feet. This is understandable since it incorporates a number of fundamentals from various sports; football, hockey, soccer, wrestling, basketball, and track and field. As of the 2025 season, the state of Kentucky now recognizes lacrosse as a KHSAA sanctioned sport.
Registration starts in September. The season runs from March through May and is considered a contact sport. Off-season conditioning and workouts begin in September for athletes not currently in season. Each team has 10 players on the field at one time. The team's objective is to move a small ball down the field, using a long stick (crosse) to get the ball into the opponent's goal. Covington Catholic competes at the JV and Varsity levels.
Equipment needed to play Lacrosse: Helmet, Shoulder Pads, Elbow Pads, Mouthpiece, Gloves, Cleats, and Stick.