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Community Service

At Covington Catholic, we believe that our call to follow Christ is a call to serve others.  Our Community Service Program embraces the words of St. Theresa of Avila that “Christ has no body but yours.  No hands, no feet on earth but yours.  Yours are the eyes with which He looks compassion on the world.”
Because of this, we hope our Community Service Requirement will instill a life-long love of serving others in our community.

The Community Service Requirement is 15 hours of service per year.  At least 10 of these hours must be performed at agencies outside of Covington Catholic High School.  All hours can be done outside of Covington Catholic High School.  The following requirements must be met in order for seniors to receive their diploma and have their transcripts released:

  • A senior in his 4th year at CCH will need 60 hours (at least 40 outside of Cov Cath)
  • A senior in his 3rd year at CCH will need 45 hours (at least 30 outside of Cov Cath)
  • A senior in his 2nd year at CCH will need 30 hours (at least 20 outside of Cov Cath)
  • A senior in his 1st year at CCH will need 15 hours (at least 10 outside of Cov Cath)

Covington Catholic is pleased to award a Varsity Letter in Community Service for those students who go above and beyond their required hours.  To receive a varsity letter for a specific school year, students must complete at least 40 hours of community service and must participate in at least six different activities at 6 different agencies.  If, for example, you work a festival and serve Mass at the same parish, that would be considered one agency.  For the purpose of the varsity letter, the school year officially runs from June 1st to May 31st.

Covington Catholic also awards two special awards to students that demonstrate an overwhelming dedication to serve others:

  • The Bill Snyder Spirit of Community Service Award is given to the Senior that during a particular school year best exemplifies our call to serve God by serving others.
  • The Blessed William Joseph Chaminade Award is given to the senior that has best demonstrated our call to serve others throughout his high school career.
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