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STEM is the integration of math, science, and technology skills applied to the process of problem-solving, within an engineering framework.

Project Lead The Way (PLTW)

PLTW is a nonprofit organization and industry leader that provides STEM curriculum and in-depth professional development (and certification) of teachers for over 12,200 schools nationwide.

CovCath has partnered with PLTW since 2015 and has four PLTW certified instructors, including PLTW Master Teacher and CCH STEM Director, Mr. Bob Lind.  CovCath was 1 of only 33 high schools nationwide (1 of only 5 in Kentucky) to be named a 2020-21 PLTW Distinguished School and to receive this award for four consecutive years.

PLTW's curriculum provides students with unique opportunities to work collaboratively, identify problems, apply what they know, persevere through challenges, find unique solutions, and lead their own learning, with an emphasis on hands-on activity, projects and problem-based learning.

Four Core STEM Courses:

IED uses math, science, and engineering standards to design solutions for a variety of problems with 3-D modeling software, while documenting findings in an engineering notebook.

*This course is also offered during the summer to incoming freshman and sophomore students.

POE applies problem solving, research, and collaborative design to a variety of engineering topics, including mechanisms, the strength of structures and materials, and automation.

Aerospace Engineering explores the physics of flight, basic orbital mechanics, and robot systems.

EDD is a “capstone” course which brings previous learning into the development of a solution to a complex issue which is then presented to a panel of professional engineers.

Additional CCH courses closely related to the STEM program:

  • Computer Science - Programming
  • Graphic Design
  • Animation

Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and science that includes mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, computer science, and others.  Covington Catholic has a very successful and expanding robotics program based on the VEX platform.

The VEX platform is aligned with the PLTW program and is the largest and fastest growing high school robotics competition in the world.  Competitions are a great opportunity for students to develop skills in teamwork, leadership, and project management.  Teams of students design, build, and code robots each year to play a brand-new game.  Thousands of competition events are held annually in all 50 US states and over 40 countries.

Applying basic STEM concepts to a competitive atmosphere increases student engagement and makes lessons feel more “real”.

Summer Course: Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)

IED is offered during the summer for incoming freshmen and sophomore students.  The course follows the same structure and requirements as the year-long course offered during the school year, replicating the coursework, homework, assessments, and end of course examination.

This is a rigorous and fast-paced class, as it takes nine months of curriculum delivered in a three-week course.

This course is limited to 25 students and is offered on a first come, first served basis.  

Registration will open on March 5, 2025.

The course will run from June 2–June 20, 2025.

Cost: $400 per student

Registration Deadline: May 16, 2025.

Time to Register