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Guidance and Counseling

The Guidance Department at Covington Catholic is a resourse available to all students. Students are encouraged to meet with their counselor throughout the school year to discuss academic questions and concerns. The Guidance staff provides the following services:

INDIVIDUAL ACADEMIC/PERSONAL COUNSELING: Academic counseling occurs each year for each student during course scheduling to guide students toward a proper course of study. Also, all curriculum related issues throughout the school year are the responsibility of the Counselor. In addition, students or parents may contact the Counselor to discuss personal issues.

PRESENTATIONS:  The Junior/Senior Counselor hosts presentations to address the following: college & career planning, standardized testing, collegiate athletics, Governor’s programs, and more.  The calendar for the presentations will be shared with students and parents in advance.  For more routine communications, all counselors communicate directly with parents through a periodic email series called “Counselor’s Corner.”

STUDENT GROUP GUIDANCE: Course selections/scheduling, test interpretations, review of transcripts and other elements of career and college counseling are presented through selected classes to reach all students.

PARENT MEETINGS: Both the Freshman/Sophomore Counselor and the Junior/Senior Counselor will hold meetings with parents as deemed necessary by either the parent(s) or the counselor.

TESTING: The Freshman Guidance Counselor is responsible for the administration of the High School Placement Test (HSPT) to incoming freshmen, the Practice ACT (in partnership with TorchPrep) to sophomores, and the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) to select sophomores. The Junior/Senior Guidance Counselor is responsible for the administration of the the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) to juniors, the Advanced Placement (AP) exams to juniors and seniors. Students are reponsible for reporting college entrance exam scores (ACT, SAT) to the institutions they choose.

ACT PREPARATION: The Junior/Senior Counselor organizes two full-length practice exams in partnership with Torch Prep.  Additional test prep resources and assistance are available; request for more information.

STUDENT RECORDS: All report cards, transcripts, and standardized test results are coordinated through the Guidance Office.

SCHEDULING: Annual scheduling of classes is handled through individual conferences with each returning student during the third quarter each year.

PLACEMENT SERVICES: The Freshman/Sophomore Guidance Counselor processes the admission applications of all incoming freshman and sophomore level transfers.